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Contact information Shenzhen Xikoe Precision Technology Co., Ltd
Telephone: 0755-23058069
E-mail: markz@xk-precision.cn
Website: www.xk-precision. cn
Detailed address 1st Floor, Building B, Kaixinda Science and Technology Park, No. 49 Zhoushi Road, Shiyan Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen
Navigation map Navigate directly to the first floor of Building B of Kaixinda Technology Park, or call hotline 0755-23058069

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Shenzhen Xikoe Precision Technology Co., Ltd.
National Service Hotline: Telephone: 0755-23058069
E-mail: markz@xk-precision.cn
Company address: 1st Floor, Building B, Kaixinda Science and Technology Park, No. 49 Zhoushi Road, Shiyan Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen

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